Monday, March 28, 2005

At the Movies

South Africa has all sorts of holidays. Our host at the apartment where we are staying for these first two weeks told us-and who knows if this is true-that when apartheid ended and the good guys took over, they didn't get rid of any public holidays. They just renamed a few, and then added some more.

So this weekend was Easter Weekend, which begins with a universal day off on Friday and continues through another day off on Monday, when everyone, again, has the day off. Needless to say, this got in the way of our apartment hunting.

We've actually found the apartment we want, but the family that owns the place wants to charge more than we want to pay. The place is brand new, or newly renovated, anyway, and it's got a fantastic kitchen, a view of Table Mountain out the front door, and has plenty of room for our anticipated guests. It's unfurnished, which totally is not in our plan, but we love it anyway.

We're on pins and needles waiting to hear from them, but in the meantime today we have few more apartments lined up to go see.

Since we couldn't be searching for apartments over the weekend, we went and did some tourist stuff, including going down to the Cape of Good Hope on Sunday. It's about an hour's drive away.

There is a colony of baboons there. In fact, the baboons are in charge. They sit on people's cars, take their soda bottles from the trash, and our guidebook said they have been known to enter open car windows and crap all over everything.

Cape Town proper seemed deserted, as if everyone was devoutly observing the holiday, so after that, we went to a movie. We went back to the mall, where we seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time-and found out where everyone had gone. Holy sweet moses. It was packed.

In fact, we were stymied in our efforts to see Hitch, which just opened here, because it was sold out, and had to see Being Julia. They have assigned seating in the movie theater, too, so once you buy your ticket, you don't go right inside and fight for a seat. Instead, we wandered the mall, shoulder to shoulder with all the other moviegoers who were looking to kill some time. It costs between 3 and 6 bucks for a movie. Score.


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