Monday, August 15, 2005

Donkey Gone

Mayor Nomaindia Mfeketo has fired her donkey former toy boy lover Blackman Ngoro to save her own ass.

That was the lead for the Daily Voice story on Wednesday, when the Cape Town tabloid came a day late to the press party dancing on the grave of the city's media advisor. Sadly, the lead--and the graphic depicting the mayor as Shrek and the media advisor as the Eddie Murphy character from the same movie--were the only inspired parts of the day's coverage. The rest just rehashed the whole backstory.

In the paper's defense, they'd had a good run with the story. But once you deliver a Gatsby, a locally invented kind of sandwich, to the mayor's office and call it a "cultural offering," you can only go downhill from there.

If this story still makes you chuckle, click here for a close-up view of Wednesday's spread.


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