Sunday, September 18, 2005

A Few Things from Home II

In light of the six-month anniversary of our arrival in Cape Town, I thought I'd add a few frivolous things to Katie's list of stuff she missed that she wrote in May.

(And thank you to the many, many people who have mailed or hand-delivered copies of the New Yorker. It's a godsend.)

We're also compiling a long list of things that we'll miss when we leave South Africa in another six months, but we'll save that for around the time of our departure.

5. Summer. Technically, this isn't something we miss from home. It's something we miss in general. There have been several nice days recently, finally, after six months of overcast skies and the wettest Cape Town winter in years. We left New York before spring arrived, so we've essentially had two winters in a row. I can't wait until it gets really hot and stays that way for months. Summer should be here any day now.

4. Bagels, still.

3. Netflix. Wow, do we miss Netflix. The people who own and operate our local video store are incredibly nice, but there's no escaping the fact that, as we enter our fourth year without television, we've seen about 90 percent of what they have on their shelves. As a sub-category, Katie and I may have to lock ourselves into our apartment for a week or two when we get back to Brooklyn so we can get up to speed on all the DVD releases of the new seasons of the Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Alias, Curb Your Enthusiasm and Deadwood.

2. Baseball. They end of the regular season is coming, and the Giants still have an outside chance of making the playoffs. This is my favorite time of the year, and I feel completely out of touch with my beloved sport.

1. Being smarter than the president. I don't agree with some of the things that Thabo Mbeki does or says, but I can't dispute the fact that he's very likely smarter than I am. Bummer.


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