We survived!
My parents took Katie and I on a wondeful safari for four days at a private game lodge outside of South Africa's Kruger national park. We got back last night, and we have about 300 pictures to prove we were there. The entire experience was incredible.

We saw lions, giraffes, elephants, zebras, warthogs, leopards, monkeys, eagles and much, much more, including about 4,391 types of antelope--the snack food of the bushveld. Sometimes we saw more than one species at the same time, and in those instances, one was usually stalking, attacking or eating the other.
We're going to have links to our photo albums from the trip up on this site in a couple of days, but I figured I could throw up a few of our best ones right now as a preview.

But check back on Tuesday or Wednesday for the full story--including the amazing tale of how Katie overcame her phobia of snakes--and for all of our pictures. It'll be hard to put into words the experience of sitting in an open vehicle in the dark and seeing a lioness on the hunt appear out of nowhere and stalk by within three feet of you... but we'll try.
For now, here are a few of our favorites to tide you over.

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