A Thanksgiving Braai

Katie's parents, sister and her friend Myra have been in town for the last several days, and we got to cook them a traditional South African Thanksgiving feast tonight. We did not let the fact that they do not actually celebrate Thanksgiving in South Africa stand in our way of having a feast.

We let our neighbors, Marcus and Laura, in on this new tradition too. They left looking both bloated and shocked at the amount of food the rest of us ate.
This was what the traditional feast looked like on the grill:

There's a small photo album from today on the web here.
Its quite funny that I am South African living in America (NY) and my husband did a huge turkey on the braai - I made all the fixings. have to say got "lis" for your version - can't quite picture boerie and cranberry sauce give me Mrs. B's anyday!!! Give Cape Town a big hug from me.
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