Monday, July 18, 2005

I See the Devil in Her Eyes

A street musician says a sangoma is stealing his talent.

He says every day the witchdoctor stands silently and stares at him until he sees dead people in her eyes.

"She is pulling all my talent out of me with her witchcraft," says Francois Tiemie.

Tiemie is now scared that he will lose his only means of an income -- his music.

He says the woman even makes him see things like faces.

Tiemie says his daily income from playing the recorder on an Outdshoorn main road is starting to shrink because of the woman's dark magic.

Everyday she stands in front of him, glaring at him, until he sees the devil himself, he says.

He says she walks around with black bags of potions and spells.

"She doesn't say a word," says Tiemie.

"She just stands there until I can see dead people in her eyes.

"Two small men walk with her and pull faces. I can't play my flute.

"I get so scared that I want to pee in my pants. I get confused and every person that walks past laughs at me," he says.

Tiemie says he is already dreaming that his recorder is a snake.

Yep. It's Monday, which means it's time for another story from the Daily Voice. A sangoma, if you don't recall, is a kind of holistic medical practicioner. Or, in the parlance of the Voice, a witch doctor. Sangomas have featured in one other Voice story I posted here before.


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